It seems like everything else I have given birth to, this little blog has been neglected for the past couple weeks. Well, I'm a little better with my kids, but not much - just ask them - you know kids, they have no trouble speaking the truth. Wish I could say I have been up to creating wonderful art, but alas, I can't even say that. Not even sure where the time has gone - I guess busy making connections with new people and finding God's purpose in my life - HA!
One fun item to note is my pregnant lady has made her way to Sixth Street Gallery and is in a little corner off to the side of the main gallery with other local artists' work. I have to say it was fun to go and see her looking all official. It's just strange having something I made floating out there in the real world.
My latest photo is a project I'm working on for a friend - had hopes of having it done as a Christmas gift, but oh well! This is just the beginning - I know what I want the picture to look like, I'm just finding it challenging to execute - it will have involve a vehicle and people and YIKES how in the #@$&*%! do I do THAT? I guess one step at a time - I should know that by now. Anyway, it's just going to be collaged paper onto a 12 x 12 canvas board - it's a cheery beginning. I'll post the finished product - even if it's rubbish. I found when I finally started this project I had to sit there and repeat to myself "It doesn't have to be perfect. There is no such thing as perfect - there is no such thing as perfect - there is no such thing as perfect" I think I said it so many times I actually convinced myself - for a few minutes anyway. It was an awesome day in my art room - I guess that's the main thing.