This is my most talented friend Sharon Cotton - check out her work at www.sharoncotton.com. She just had her first gallery show this past January - very exciting to see her work up on gallery walls. What was even more exciting was receiving my very own, custom-made just for me, art work for my 40th birthday. That she choose Alice as her subject matter was the cherry on top of my 40th birthday. Alice in Wonderland is quite simply put my favorite story. I have long related to Alice and her fall down the rabbit hole. And considering the family in which I grew up I can certainly relate to being surrounded by people & things that do not make sense. My experience was that it was an often confusing, frustrating and even at times scary journey that I was on - trying to navigate my way through my youth and family. Some of my Christmases could make the Mad Hatter's tea party look quite sane. I do feel that I am emerging from the underground - creating sanity and serenity in my world and more easily recognizing the insanity - I smile and send it on it's way - "Very nice to meet you Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Would love to stay & chat, but I simply must be getting on - I have a very important date, you know."
I was blown away when I opened my painting & there was Alice - falling. And I love what Sharon wrote for me. "Down. Down. Down. Shall I ever reach the end? Alice knew that approaching 40 had been a perilous journey. But she also knew that getting there would be the beginning. And a most agreeable time. She was going to grab life with both hands and wring every last drop out of it. She had heard, at a tea party once upon a time, that life begins at 40. What a wonderful thought. And more than anything else, she hoped there would be cats, she loved cats, especially smiling ones."
So thank you my friend for creating this priceless work of art for me - and for being my only blog reader! I will cherish this always & take what you wrote to heart.
So, I must dash now & go grab life by both hands now - evidently I have a lot of wringing to do if I am to get EVERY last drop out of it!