March 23, 2010

Female Figure

Here is my latest project - biggest attempted (4' by 2'). Took playing around all day yesterday. Had to tape two pieces of freezer paper together to get a piece of paper big enough to cover the wood. I had an idea of the pose I wanted to use. I couldn't find anything similar in any of my drawing books so I decided I'd just take a self portrait in the desired pose - much to the horror of my soon to be 13 year old son (I was in a bikini, but was informed I should only wear one pieces - ouch! If you are ever looking for an honest answer ask a 13 year old boy!). Well, after much frustration yesterday trying to draw the pose out on this 4ft. piece of paper I decided to sleep on it. I had what I thought was an o.k. sketch. Upon waking I realized it was all rubbish and erased everything and started from scratch. I decided to go with a very simplistic line figure from one of my books. Tried to show the process of my work. 1) Draw it out on paper. 2) covered the wood with a ton of carbon paper (scored from a goodwill stored) and then trace the drawing through to the wood. 3) Use a wood burner to burn all the lines. So there! Viola! I am now officially stumpted as what to do next!! Paint? Fabric? Collage? Totally clueless!

March 10, 2010

Flower Power

Here is the latest Telamadera Fusion piece I've created. A bit on the cute side I know, but it is done none the less. I was inpired by a pattern I have on a note book & wanted to see if I could convert it into paint & fabric. Pretty much yes. Made lots of mistakes from not paying attention, but I suppose that's how we learn. I've been a bit more careful on my new piece I'm working on.
Life has been a bit wonky lately - got a bit derailed - but thanks to some wonderful people I am now back on track and chugging along. I will be the Little Engine that could - "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can."