This is my latest creation and I can actually visually share it with you all because my husband finally found the cord for the digital camera - allowing me to download my photos from the camera to the computer. Let me tell you this lost cord was nearly the end of our 20 year relationship.....well, not really, but bloody frustrating because I knew, I just KNEW, it was my husband that misplaced it. I hate to tell you so (no I don't), but I was right! This past Saturday I told my husband that the sun would not go down on the day without him finding the cord - don't I sound like a joy to live with?! But low and behold he found the cord within 30 minutes of cleaning up the den - found in a spot that he promised he had thoroughly searched. Hmm.
So cord found I now suppose I have no excuses for being a better blogger.
I do like this little piece I made. It started out as a project for a challenge a local gallery was having, but then I discovered I totally misinterpreted the challenge. Instead of chucking it I just kept going with it - chanting my mantra to myself, "It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be perfect......" And it's not. The fact that it's from a misinterpreted challenge is in itself a perfect imperfection. I messed up the binding. I messed up the words. I accidentally cut through the top fabric and had to glue it down. And it's all o.k.
The words were an afterthought. I stood back and looked at it and it just came to me - these two little birds - looking the same but not the same - singing their own tunes in different directions. It feels good to me.
I was excited that I actually followed through on something and got it finished. I was also excited because I was actually going to keep it and put it in my freshly painted art room. But just an hour ago I realized I can't keep it. I have a friend who I must give it to. She is struggling in her life and because music speaks to her I want her to have it to remind her it's o.k. to sing her own tune.
Funny how life works. I hadn't spoken to this friend for months. I started my little birds a couple of weeks ago and finished Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon this friend walks back into my life and we are now reconnected. I looked at my birds this morning and just knew that this piece was created for her - it all makes sense now. While I was making it I didn't know where it was all coming from or why, but I kept going with it - determined to finish it. Now I know it was all for her.
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