This projected was suppose to be a cute LITTLE bookmark for a client......I know you can't tell the size by the photo, but let me assure you, it is NOT the size of a bookmark - unless you are a giant, then it will work very nicely for you. It has now become an
over sized 'Christmas' card for my client. I was inspired by a project I saw in a book called Sew Liberated. I was originally thinking I'd do some free motion
stitching, but ended up just fusing all the fabric down & doing a quick blanket
stitch around the edges to finish it off. Kills me to think of it going in the trash, but I know my client - it will eventually find it's way there. Ouch. But I have to go to their office tomorrow and didn't want to arrive empty handed - hard to get something for people that have tons of money and everything they could possible want.
I swear if I see any hesitation of delight over my little creation I will probably burst into tears. I'm afraid with the holidays & lack of sleep my skin is extremely thin right now - the slightest scratch to my feelings and I burst out bleeding emotions all over the place. Unfortunately, I have witnesses to this bizarre behavior. Not pretty. So with that being said, I must dash off to bed for at least 7 hours of sleep - work & more projects to do tomorrow!