This is my space. My space that I find comfort in every morning with my cup of coffee and my journal. Sitting down at my desk is like slipping into my skin - it feels right. I gave my room a facelift with a new color this summer. Yes, it's green. No, it doesn't 'go' with the rest of the house because I finally realized it doesn't have to! That was a freeing discovery! It's scary to think of all the boxes I put myself & my world in - perhaps I should ask for a sledge hammer for Christmas to smash all those boxes.
This is my daughter's side of the room. After I set up my art room she asked if she could have a space in it. This was a tough decision for me to come to because I had really just wanted it to be all mine. But then as I thought about it I realized I would have loved to have a space like this as a kid and so I agreed she could have a desk. I did have to put some boundaries around her space as she started to drag half her room down to the art room - stuffed animals etc. We got it sorted out. To be honest she doesn't work in here much, but that's o.k. It's here when she wants it and in the meantime it's an extra desk for me to put stuff!!

Hard to see because of the glare - my photography skills are seriously lacking - but the print on the wall is a Ron Burns print of bloodhounds hanging out of a green Ford truck - title "I wanna go". I just love his paintings of dogs - big eyes & noses, vibrant colors. I'd have a whole room of his work, but I wanted to have room for all the other work that will go on my walls - hopefully some of my own work!! Now isn't that a novel idea!

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