April 6, 2010


So it's been a couple weeks since my last blog, but I've had a youth retreat to chaperon and a cold that dragged me down into an abyss of mucus from which I am only just emerging. I feel I must have hacked up at least half a lung by now & have coughed so hard I could have given birth....to twins! I personally think it was the youth retreat that did me in. Obviously a 40 year old has no business scaling rock walls, harnessing up to a 60 foot swing, rolling in dirt under patios and staying up way past my bed time. I no longer have the magic elixir called youth to keep me healthy.
Enough of my drama - on to art. I am excited to say my woman is starting to find her way. I am currently having a passion for purple and have been using it a lot. So it went without saying that the background would be purple. Plus I found a line of fabrics that I just had to have and bought specifically for this piece. I'm sure the photo does not do them justice. Purples and greens predominate the fabric.
So I don't want any comments on the woman's freaky legs. Yes, I know they look alienish. Or perhaps she is related to a satyr. Here's the deal....The line drawing was all open - not really meant to be "colored" in. This presented a problem. So I thought I'd try to cover it all up with flowers - like Eve walking through the garden of Eden. So for the past two days I have worked on drawing a ton of flowers and big over sized leaves. Just didn't feel right - wasn't working for me. I drew a really big flower on her thigh & started drawing a vine up her body. That's when I knew I found the right fit. So I have a vine wrapping around her body with some strategically placed flowers - I really love the flower design I found. Big and juicy. I erased all the other work I had done. And I didn't even get upset. It didn't matter that I was erasing 4 hours worth of work - I knew it was all just part of the process & had I not drawn everything I had I may not have stumbled onto the vine and flower idea. I'm really loving life right now - really feel I am moving in the right direction.

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