I feel like I had a break through last night. I had bought Kelly Rae Roberts book Taking Flight (for those struggling to create, drop everything and go get a copy....NOW), but like all the other arty, inspirational books I have, I browsed through it then shelved it - certain I could never do anything she was suggesting.
HA! I CAN and DID do something. I took that book out and sat down and got busy. I had bought an inspiring card by Mary Anne Radmacher (LOVE her words & sayings) with the thought of turning it into something. And I did. I followed one of the exercises by Kelly Rae and before I knew it I had my Christmas gift done for my sponsee. Now, I'm not exactly thrilled with the blocky look of the card on the front of the skirt - would have much preferred the cut out kind of words, but I love Mary Anne's hand writing and couldn't figure out how to chop up the words without ruining them. So this is what I got - not too bad. At least I accomplished something.
Yes, it's a copy of Kelly Rae - it's an exercise from a book, but I'm hoping over time to develop my own style - my own ideas. I think we all have to start somewhere and the most important thing is to make the start.
I'm feeling so incredibly grateful for this progress and for my life today. Honestly, 7 years ago I could never have pictured myself doing this - sitting in my crafty room getting crafty! Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus and he just delivered me an invaluable gift - courage.
1 comment:
It's beautiful and I see more of Jennifer in it than I do Kelly. Keep going! xo
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