She told me she got inspiration from a blog I showed her last night - judyperez.blogspot.com. Judy had posted that her daughter, Nina, had cranked out 50 little monsters that she creates and had photos of all of them. I think Madeleiene has visions of creating tons of aprons & selling them. Hey, more power to her. You never know.
I've been lucky to have so much time this week in my space - creating and blogging. Next week I won't be so lucky. I work every other week as a bookkeeper and next week is a work week - despite Christmas. I'm gearing up for year end with my clients -thank God I don't do tax returns - hand it all over to the CPA I subcontract with. And unfortunately, this tax season, due to the economic times, I'm going to have to pick up some extra project work. I am really dreading it as it completely drains me and leaves me vacant. I used to like what I do - but ever since I've allowed myself creative freedom I dread my job more and more. Although if I'm really honest, I have to admit it appeals to my strong sense of order and balance - after all the numbers either balance or they don't - very black and white.
That is the one area of this whole 'art' thing that I struggle with the most. There really is no right or wrong - no way to know if it all 'balances'. It's such a personal thing. What one person may like another may hate. What one calls 'art' another calls junk. I guess at the end of the day we have to do what we love and not worry if others like it. We create for the sake of creating. We create because we are made in the image of the ultimate Creator.
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