February 14, 2009

Be Mine - Valentine

Hard to believe
A hot September night in '88
Bodies crowding, beer flowing, G & R rocking
Who would have thought that brief meeting would bring us here
Twenty years gone by so fast
Two kids, two cars, a mortgage, and a big lazy hound dog
That coaster dropping us down, then bringing us back from danger.
Over and over. Crazy, fun and scary as hell.
Who knows where it'll end up. Who cares. I love the ride.
My little Apple Checks. My Goober. My Georgia Peach.
What would I do without my little pug nose.
We're blessed.
I love you. I love our life.

From my husband to me on this Valentine. Totally priceless and I have no more to add. 

February 12, 2009


It seems like everything else I have given birth to, this little blog has been neglected for the past couple weeks. Well, I'm a little better with my kids, but not much - just ask them - you know kids, they have no trouble speaking the truth.  Wish I could say I have been up to creating wonderful art, but alas, I can't even say that. Not even sure where the time has gone - I guess busy making connections with new people and finding God's purpose in my life - HA! 
One fun item to note is my pregnant lady has made her way to Sixth Street Gallery and is in a little corner off to the side of the main gallery with other local artists' work.  I have to say it was fun to go and see her looking all official.  It's just strange having something I made floating out there in the real world.  
My latest photo is a project I'm working on for a friend - had hopes of having it done as a Christmas gift, but oh well!  This is just the beginning - I know what I want the picture to look like, I'm just finding it challenging to execute - it will have involve a vehicle and people and YIKES how in the #@$&*%! do I do THAT?  I guess one step at a time - I should know that by now.  Anyway, it's just going to be collaged paper onto a 12 x 12 canvas board - it's a cheery beginning. I'll post the finished product - even if it's rubbish.  I found when I finally started this project I had to sit there and repeat to myself "It doesn't have to be perfect. There is no such thing as perfect - there is no such thing as perfect - there is no such thing as perfect" I think I said it so many times I actually convinced myself - for a few minutes anyway. It was an awesome day in my art room - I guess that's the main thing.