January 29, 2009

The Sweetest Treat

So here she is - my prego lady for the "Sweet Treats" entry at the Sixth Street Gallery.  Now you are probably wondering how this translates into a sweet treat so follow me on this one. My original thought was this - I love nude women (please don't read more into that other than I appreciate the female body on an artistic level!) so I basically wanted to create a nude. How to work that into a sweet treat? That's when 'bun in the oven popped into my head - with the recent pregnancy of my friend Janet helping to spur that image along. But at the end of all this as I'm painting the final touches and after holding my friends baby grandson, I thought "Aren't babies really the sweetest treat of all?" Many of you may be thinking "Heck NO!" or "It depends on the day you ask me" etc. But the bottom line is all life starts out as a baby of some sort - and for the female to create this inside of her body is an absolute miracle.  I won't get into the part of the baby growing up to be a middle schooler.....that is a whole other piece of art involving lots of black and an occasional splash of color! 
Over all I am very pleased with her and wish my photos did her justice. I hope she will be well received, but I have to thicken my skin in case she isn't. I suppose I must realize not all people will like my stuff and to find a way to be o.k. with that.  I like her and am well pleased with her - isn't that the opinion that matters most?  

January 17, 2009

Dazed and Confused

I had fully intended to have a week full of posts, but I guess we all know what they say about good intentions. Somehow life and work got in my way this week - funny how that is. Oddly enough I don't get paid for just sitting around posting my thoughts all day. To be honest it was a really trying week - to put it mildly - and I am sitting here not knowing what to think about anything. I don't even have the joy of using my happy mug this morning (the one with bright, happy flowers all over it) because it broke this week. That was the final straw - I looked up, shook my head and thought 'you have GOT to be kidding me'.
But it was no joke - none of this week was a joke. My sponsor would say this is all a great growing opportunity. Well, if that's the case then I'm having growing pains. I'm really struggling to know what I'm suppose to be doing. Where I fit in. What my purpose is. Blah, blah, blah. I make myself nauseated with all this stuff - imagine what my poor husband has to put up with. He said my life theme song should be Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne - I tend to agree with him. Unfortunately in my family that comes a little too close to home as bi-polar disease seems to run in my father's family. In fact, my father is currently on the Crazy Train - I haven't spoken to him in almost 8 months. So it doesn't help to have that nagging fear of really going crazy in the back of my mind - whispering to me that this is the beginning of the end.
The worst of this week was that I took a chance and shared an idea with someone. I am so tired of doing nothing with my ideas - I think of them and write them out in my journal - tag the page for future reference and there they sit. And sit. And sit. Nothing materializes because I have not found the courage to pull them off the page. But this one idea nagged at me and has to do with another area of my life. So I took it off the journal page - discussed it with others and put a little something together to show someone I thought may be in a position to guide me. It was a disaster. Never having done something like that before I felt very vulnerable and unsure of myself. I feel like I exposed my naked self to this person and that they took a glance and said no thanks. This was something I thought I may be able to share with a community I'm a part of but I felt the answer I got was I need to go pursue this personally. I felt crushed and confused. I don't know if I didn't get my idea across well enough - to be fair I hadn't worked it all the way through and my verbal presentation skills are seriously lacking - I get horribly flustered and tongue tied with people of authority. It left me questioning so many things - not the least of which was my participation in this community and whether I wanted to continue it. Which after 10 years will be a hard decision to come to, but one that will have to be made.
I was also pretty angry after this meeting and anger has always been a great motivator for me. It seems all my majors changes in life have been partially pushed along by anger. So I took my anger and made phone calls, did some searching on the web and got connected with an organization that is doing what I'm interested in. So my friend and I spent last night under the Burnside Bridge helping to hand out food to homeless people. I have never done anything like that before - had no idea what to expect - had no idea what I was suppose to do or say, but I went and I did it. I did whatever was needed by the organizers, I tried my best to interact with everyone - which being an extreme introvert was a real challenge for me. My friend and I walked away exhausted and frozen to the bone - and feeling very much alive. I would like to somehow visually document this journey - these people have names and stories - and I'd like to share this journey with anyone interested in seeing it.
I have no idea where all this is coming from. This was suppose to be my year to focus on creating - but maybe this is what I'm suppose to be creating. I have no idea. I just don't know anything anymore and it all feels very overwhelming. So this is where I'm at. I am so far outside my box I don't even know where the bloody thing is anymore.
Through all of this I am trying to work on a piece for a gallery that is allowing locals to submit their work for a small donation & they will have it on display in their back room. I don't care if it's on display in the cleaning closet of the gallery - I want to make this deadline. My photos are rubbish, but this is the woman I am working on. The theme of the submissions is "Sweet Treats" and I'm calling my pregnant woman - "My sweet bun in the oven". I love the pregnant body - I think it's incredibly beautiful and such a miracle that a woman's body can create life. I personally loved being pregnant (minus the very last two days when I felt like a beached whale that could barely move from location to location). This piece will go to my friend Janet, who after years of trying is finally pregnant with her second.
I started with a wire frame - bulked her out with tin foil and then added the Sculpey. I have really enjoyed making her - love the feel of my fingers shaping her body. Is she perfect? Heck, no. I'm sure I have missed some major muscle tissues and bone structures - but OH WELL. I think people will be able to tell it's a pregnant woman - much to the embarrassment of my children. "Aren't you going to put clothes on her?" they ask me. "No" I reply. "But you can see all her parts". "Exactly" I say. They just shake their heads and walk off.
So I suppose all I can do as far as life goes is keep my head up, keep breathing and put one foot in front of the other - hopefully not in the direction of a steep cliff......

January 10, 2009


My God loves me.  I know this in so many ways, but especially today.  It started when I woke to discover a beautiful fog covering my neighborhood.  I love fog.  I don't exactly know why, but I just do. Something so comforting about it - feels very snug and cozy to me.  It feels peaceful and serene - it seems to make the world a quite place.  
So I got my fog this morning - a big hug from God.  And then as I sat at my computer with my steaming hot cup of coffee (in my happy flower mug) connection after connection started to happen.  I had spent some time journaling about a connected moment I had this week. I had been on my knees in prayer - in total frustration over the state of my life.  Miserable in my bookkeeping job and feeling guilty because in todays economy I should be grateful just to have a job.  So there I am, bended knees, head down, telling God I have so much more I want to be doing. Ha! - me  TELLING God what I have planned - yes, I see the humor.  My reply was that I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing in this moment - at this time - in this day. I answered that there is so much more that I want out of life. Response - Why would I give you more when you are not happy with what you have right now.  Ouch.  I sunk a little lower when I realized the truth of that statement.  I spent the rest of the week focused on living in the moment and being grateful for exactly what is. 
So I am at my computer, catching up on a week's worth of emails, blog viewings etc. and the power of connectedness hit me broadside.  I reconnected with a friend who was instrumental in getting this whole art journey going. I got connected to a website offering a collage workshop that I have now signed up for. One thing after another.  Boom, boom, boom.  It has left me a little breathless this morning and very excited and worked up.  I am now off to spend an hour in my backyard - working on clean up that should have been done months ago.  I don't feel one bit of resentment about having to do it - it's all o.k.  I am at peace today, in this moment, at this time. 

January 4, 2009

Messing Around

No major projects under taken at the moment - just trying to tie up 2008 and get my head around 2009.  So to keep myself going I have been doing some doodling in my long forgot art journal. Actually, I don't know what to call this journal - just a gathering place of ideas & inspirations, sketches, practicing, dabbling, playing and well, basically messing around. 
I feel a little naked posting these photos and please keep in mind I have had NO art training what so ever - so be kind when you look at my crooked mug and all the other imperfections.  Give me some numbers and a bank statement and I can make magic happen - give me pencil and paper and tell me to draw & I'm like a deer caught in headlights.  
Well, folks, it's back to the real life tomorrow. Kids back to school and it's a working week for me. Routine, routine, routine - it's a love/hate relationship for me - like a torrid love affair. I need it so much and things go so right when I have it, but then I resent it for the very reason I love it - the confines, the structure, being told what to do and when to do - so I leave it, kick it to the curb and try to live life without it. Disaster, resulting in miserable surrender and begging for routine to come back. It always does.

January 2, 2009

Redefine in 2009

My mottto for 2009 - REDEFINE.  It's the new year and since 2003 I try to come up with a motto for the year - just my own personal hang-up.  I have made some progress on my mottoes since 2003 - which was "Don't F--- with me in 2003". What can I say - that was a bad year - separation with husband, near divorce and hanging on the edge of sanity by my fingernails.  Yes, I'm in a much better space now.  So with a little help from the dictionary here is what Redefine means to me:  to redetermine the limits or nature of myself - to restate the meaning of myself - to recreate myself.  A good, positive goal for 2009.  
The photos above show you exactly where I like to recreate myself.  This is our converted dinning room that is now my space to create.  I like my space. It's cozy.  When I walk into it I feel like I'm slipping into my skin.  Being comfortable in my own skin is a new experience for me. By far the biggest gift of the AA program.  
Well, I really must dash - off to what, I'm not sure, but it's pushing noon & I really must move beyond the pajamas today. Plus, it may be time to start doing all this creating I'm talking about. The past 2 postings have been a bit of a cop out - photos of things already existing.